Blog 3 Fun Facts about Gold

3 Fun Facts about Gold

Gold was one of the first metals to attract attention in human history – and for a good reason. Gold is visually pleasing, malleable, and easy to work with. There are examples of elaborate gold workmanship dating back thousands of years from ancient Egyptian and Assyrian artisans. Here are three fun facts about gold:

Gold is the Only Yellow Metal

Gold is the only metal that’s naturally yellow or “golden.” Other metals can develop a yellowish color, but only after they’ve oxidized or reacted with different elements. So why is this? It has to do with gold’s atomic structure.

The technical reason why gold is yellow has to do with many chemistry concepts that would require a college-level lecture. But to put it simply, gold’s color comes from the electromagnetic radiation that the human eye sees and what gold reflects back.

A mountain range with a vast backdrop of stars appearing in the form of a time-lapse.
Source: Photo by Fernando Rodrigues on Unsplash

Gold Comes From Space!

The idea that all of the earth’s gold came from outer space may sound like something from a science fiction film, but it’s true.

A study from the University of Bristol concluded in 2011 that the earth’s store of precious metals – including gold – derives from a burst of meteorite impacts around 3.9 billion years ago.

Researchers determined when the meteorite impacts occurred by measuring isotopes in rocks that are nearly four billion years old in Greenland. The scientists call the meteorite impacts the “terminal bombardment.”

Gold Has Several Unexpected Uses

Some people may think gold’s primary function is to make jewelry and coins. But there are many different uses for gold – so many, in fact, that experts say gold is the most useful mineral mined from the earth.

The primary use of gold is in jewelry. Jewelry manufacturing accounts for about 78% of global gold consumption. Most people also know gold’s long history of financial purposes, such as in money and bullion.

But did you know gold has applications in electronics, medical devices, dentistry, aerospace, and glassmaking? For example, gold parts in cell phones act as highly efficient conductors to carry tiny currents and low voltages.

If you’re interested in selling precious metal scrap, including dental scrap, unwanted jewelry, or watches, contact Garfield Refining today at 888-677-9254. Garfield is a premier precious metals refinery that’s served more than one million customers worldwide since 1892.